• 蚁王杀机



      Stuart Gordon, considered a master of the horror genre thanks to classics like Re-Animator and Dagon, decides to do a different move in this strange trip to human morals.    "King of the Ants" is about a regular guy, Sean Crawley(newcomer Chris McKenna), a man without any aspiration who just live in his apartment doing the necessary job to live to the next day. In one of his jobs he meets Duke(Gearge Wendt), who introduces Sean to his boss, Ray Matthews(played by Daniel Baldwin). Ray hires Sean as a spy, and orders him to follow Eric Gatlin(Roy Livingstone), an accountant who has been investigating Ray's company. Problems start when Ray, while drunk, orders Sean to kill Eric. And he does it. Things go wrong when Ray decides to make Sean disappear destroying his mind with violent punishment and humiliation.    From the point where Sean kills Eric, we go in the same boat with him, as he goes through a downward spiral of human degradation, traveling from guilt, to confusion and finally to his rebirth, in a state where humanity, morals and values are not important anymore. Chris McKenna acting is very important because he manages to be likable even when he is part of gruesome acts, both as victim and/or criminal. He has that look of innocence that hides a dark side and he manages to carry the film.    The support cast also includes Kari Wuhrer, as Eric's widow who also becomes a central part of Sean's trip to hell. She gives a fine performance, although it's obvious that Sean is the main character. He is the most developed of all and McKenna's performance is up to the challenge.    The film has very disturbing images of violence, and while it may not be as graphic as "Kill Bill" for example, the strength of the violence is in the lack of humanity that the character manifest. He is more than an ant in this world. He is the king.    Stuart Gordon has managed to create a film that, while maybe it's not one of his best efforts; it's very well done, has a VERY interesting story to tell, and manages to capture the attention every second of it.

  • 鬼哭神嚎4阴魂不散



    The demonic forces in the haunted Long Island house escape through a mystical lamp which finds its way to a remote California mansion where the evil manipulates a little girl by manifesting itself in the form of her dead father.

  • 危险人物:千真万确



      主角波特是黑道人物,成为黑吃黑的受害者,当然他有自己的原则,属于邪中带正的人物。他的同伙欲置他于死地,并且独吞了他的钱,拐走了他的女人。为了重拾尊严,讨回他应得的七万块美金,波特大开杀戒。  幕后:  影片开拍于1997年9月17日。之所以选择在芝加哥拍摄,是因为主创人员不想影片背景中的建筑具有闪烁着金属光泽的时尚风格,只要阴冷的灰色就好。并且,影片中的时代、人物和小巷都有一种荒芜衰退的外表。用导演布赖恩·海尔格兰德的话说,就是具有粗糙的质感,具有黑白影片的特殊风格。影片中的年代很模糊,地点也不确定。你不会发现40年代后的建筑,汽车的款式也没有89年之后的。为了让影像传达故事,摄影指导埃里克森·科尔(Ericson Core)刻意将色彩饱和度降低至最低值。同时,影片还潜隐着黑色幽默,梅尔·吉布森所扮演的角色是个直性子,不苟言笑,而一切错综纠葛、无事生非恰恰围绕着他而发生。  为了尽量除去城市中的颜色,剧组使用了大量棕色颜料,在每早开拍前,都有一名油漆匠随时准备涂掉街边的红色标记。  花絮:  ·在导演布赖恩·海尔格兰德退出本片拍摄后,影片的30%被要求重拍。重拍整整延误了一年,因为梅尔·吉布森当时正在拍摄《致命武器4》。  ·影片在澳洲上映时,宣传口号由"Get ready to root for the bad guy"改为"Get ready to cheer for the bad guy",因为在澳洲俚语中,"to root"意味着***。  ·片中的所有电话都是旋转拨号的。  ·接替布赖恩·海尔格兰德重拍影片的人一直鲜为人知,梅尔·吉布森在后来接受采访时曾透露,接替海尔格兰德的是美工设计师约翰·迈尔(John Myhre)。  ·波特用的手枪是Smith & Wesson Model 27 357 Magnum。

  • 纵情四海



      犹太小姑娘“飞莺儿”和父亲、奶奶生活在俄罗斯的小村庄里,为了生计父亲前往美国希望可以延续自己的歌唱生涯。父亲离开后不久村庄遭到了洗劫,飞莺儿和两个男孩一同逃脱,在准备登船去美国的时候她却跟他们走散登上了去英国的邮轮。但幸运的是一对夫妇收养了她并改名叫苏西,成年后的苏西(克里斯蒂娜·里奇 Christina Ricci 饰)被歌舞团录取来到了巴黎。期间她结识了热爱物质的萝拉(凯特·布兰切特Cate Blanchett 饰)和贪婪的歌唱家但丁(约翰·特托罗 John Turturro 饰),还有神秘的吉普赛马夫凯撒(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 饰)。纳粹的铁蹄一天天逼近巴黎,不巧的是苏西犹太人的血统被但丁发现了,而在这时苏西已经与凯撒深深相爱,陷入苦恼的苏西无法抉择,一天晚上,凯撒来到了苏西的房间……

  • 无人问津2016



      一支由12名业余队员组成的棒球队在某个夏天被丢出打一季他们都以为没什麽特别的比赛开始,没想到最后,这场比赛竟然成为了他们人生中最重要的一场...... 棒球队里有在大联盟选秀落榜,只好在业馀球队重新开始的球员John Mazetti(Aaron Tveit饰)、强打者Arthur Barone(Chace Crawford饰)、从后援转先发的投手Dells (Tyler Hoechlin饰)、难以管控自己情绪的外场手Pat Murray(Joseph Mazzello饰)等。

  • 沉睡谷 第二季



      FOX热播剧《沉睡谷》(Sleepy Hollow)第一季的结尾,几位主人公纷纷遇险,留给观众无限悬念。妮可儿·贝海尔(Nicole Beharie)饰演的艾比被困炼狱,汤姆·梅森(Tom Mison)出演的伊卡博德被活埋,奥兰多·琼斯(Orlando Jones)扮演的欧文锒铛入狱,琳迪·格林伍德((Lyndie Greenwood)出演的珍妮发生严重车祸,凶多吉少。这样的安排,连主演梅森都大呼意外:“这样一个烂摊子,我们要如何收拾?”

  • 拉科尼亚号的沉没



      《拉克尼亚号的沉没》是BBC 2台推出的电视电影,由Uwe Janson执导,Alan Bleasdale编剧。该剧标志着《Boys From The Blackstuff》、《GBH》、《Jake’s Progress》、《雾都孤儿》编剧Bleasdale十年后重归电视荧屏。该剧受二战真实故事启发,是一部探讨人性的影片。  1942年9月12日的晚上,经军事改装后的拉科尼亚号在从埃及驶回英国的途中被德国海军潜艇U-156发射的鱼雷击中并沉没。拉科尼亚号此时距非洲海岸600英里,船上有英国平民、盟军和意大利战俘。这些人命悬一线,直到潜艇指挥官Werner Hartenstein违背了纳粹最高指挥官的命令,做出了一个令人震惊的决定。德国潜艇升上水面,Hartenstein长官指挥下属尽可能的营救幸存者。  在接下来的数天里,U-156潜艇救下400人,200名幸存者挤在潜艇里而另200名幸存者则上了救生艇。Hartenstein还发电报给敌军,希望组织大家一起营救受困者。然而迎接他们的不是敌军的感激,而是美军B-24轰炸机的炮火。  《拉科尼亚号的沉没》展示了人类在面临重大事件时人性化的一面:萌发的友谊、英雄主义行为、艰难环境下人性的胜利。拉科尼亚号一共载有2725名乘客:其中463名船务人员、286名英军士兵、103名波兰看守、80名平民 – 主要为妇女和孩子,还有1793名意大利战俘。最终1621人不幸遇难,1104人幸存。




