• 万能管家 第二季



      Romantic entanglements are complicated by a unique silver cow creamer that is desired by both Bertie's Uncle Thomas and his rival, Judge Sir Watkyn Bassett. Sir Watkyn purchases the creamer by telling the shopkeeper, falsely, that Thomas had sent him. Bertie's Aunt Dahlia and friend "Stiffy" Byng both want him to steal the creamer for different reasons, but Judge Sir Watkyn has already sentenced him once (for stealing a bobby's helmet) and he doesn't want to go to jail.

  • 万能管家 第三季



      Fleeing from the twin horrors of prospective marriage and the baleful Aunt Agatha, Bertie sails to New York with Jeeves, where he hopes to lie low but instead he is charged with minding the ultra-shy mother's boy Wilmot, son of Lady Malvern, and showing him the high life. Oddly enough Wilmot takes only too well to the night-spots of Manhattan, wearing Bertie out in the process. Tuppy Glossop also arrives, to talk about car exportation with wealthy businessman Mr. Stoker. Unfortunately Tupper's business plan is nowhere near as lofty as it should be.

  • 罗马三贱客 第一季



      Plebs is described as "a thoroughly modern comedy in an ancient setting."  Rome is traditionally imagined as the home of emperors and senators, generals and gladiators, a dignified theatre of pomp and ceremony. But what about the little guys, the wasters - new to the big city, stuck in office jobs, unable to get the girls?  Plebs follows three desperate young men from the suburbs as they try to get laid, hold down jobs and climb the social ladder in the big city - a city that happens to be Ancient Rome.  The show focuses on Marcus, Stylax and their lazy slave with an attitude problem, Grumio. There's also the boys' ruthless boss, Flavia - an expert manipulator with a private life that's the stuff of legend.    Unlikely to be immortalised in the annals or memorialised in a frieze, Marcus, Stylax and Grumio are essentially just a bunch of Plebs.    And whether they're wearing togas, or skinny jeans, desperate young men in any period of history are essentially cut from the same cloth...

  • 空中城市



      每一天有超过十万架航班在全球飞行,运送超过百万旅客和货物,构成巨大的空中之城。这一切都需要一个巨大又复杂的全球物流网络的支撑。主持人 Dallas Campbell和Hannah Fry将走访世界上最大、最繁忙、最寒冷和最遥远的机场,探寻确保空中航运及物流正常运行的秘密。

  • 数据的乐趣



      A witty, exhilarating and mind-expanding exploration of the word of our times - data - with mathematician Dr Hannah Fry. Following in the footsteps of BBC Four's previous gleefully nerdy, award-winning maths films The Joy of Stats, Tails you Win - The Science of Chance and The Joy of Logic, this new high-tech romp reveals exactly what data is and how it is captured, stored, shared and made sense of. Fry also tells the story of the engineers of the data age, people most of us have never heard of despite the fact they brought about a technological and philosophical revolution.  For Hannah Fry, the joy of data is all about spotting patterns. She's Lecturer in the Mathematics of Cities at UCL as well as being the presenter of the BBC series Trainspotting Live and City in the Sky, and she sees data as the essential bridge between two universes - the tangible, noisy, messy world that we see and experience, and the clean, ordered, elegant world of maths, where everything can be captured beautifully with equations.  Along the way the film reveals the connection between Scrabble scores and online movie streaming, explains why a herd of Wiltshire dairy cows are wearing pedometers, and uncovers the remarkable network map of Wikipedia. What's the mystery link between 'marmalade' and 'One Direction'?  The Joy of Data also hails the giant contribution of Claude Shannon, the American mathematician and electrical engineer who, in an attempt to solve the problem of noisy telephone lines, devised a way to digitise all information. It was Shannon, father of the 'bit', who singlehandedly launched the 'information age'. Meanwhile, the green lawns of Britain's National Physical Laboratory host a race between its young apprentices in order to demonstrate how and why data moves quickly and successfully around modern data networks. It's all thanks to the brilliant technique first invented there in the 1960s by Welshman Donald Davies - packet switching - without which there would be no internet as we know it.  But what of the future, big data and artificial intelligence? Should we be worried by the pace of change, and what our own data could and should be used for? Ultimately, Fry concludes, data has empowered all of us. We must have machines at our side if we're to find patterns in the modern-day data deluge. But, Fry believes, regardless of AI and machine learning, it will always take us to find the meaning in them.

  • 一九八四1984



      这是一部虚构的政治恐怖电影。一九八四年,在经历一系列战争和合并后,世界只存在三个超级大国了——大洋国、东亚国和欧亚国。温斯顿(约翰•赫特 John Hurt  饰)生活在老大哥统治下的大洋国,这里,和其他两国一样,到处都安装着电幕(一种类似电视机的监视器),每个人都生活都在党的思想警察的监视下,历史完全按照党的需要每天都被改写。  虽然无法说出为什么,作为外围党员的温斯顿从心里厌恶老大哥。一日,他偷偷从一家陈年杂货铺处买了一本日记本——原则上党不允许写日记,表达个人思想——开始写日记。当他和在小说司工作的裘莉亚(苏珊娜•汉密尔顿 Suzanna Hamilton 饰)违反党的政策开始秘密偷情时,思想警察悄悄盯上了他。




