• 茜茜皇后第一季



      在19 世纪的奥地利,热情叛逆的西西与皇帝弗朗兹·约瑟夫坠入爱河,同时还要应对维也纳宫廷的胁迫、阴谋和权力斗争。

  • 无迹可寻(2022)



      美国童子军就性侵索赔达成了27亿美元的协议,这是历史上最大的此类和解协议。The Boy Scouts Of America reached a $2.7 billion agreement over sex abuse claims, the largest such settlement in history.

  • 迷镇第一季



      80 年代初期的波兰小镇,一名妓女和青年组织领袖惨遭杀害。 警方着手调查此案,办案手法却引起两名记者的怀疑。

  • 魔力之夜



      《求闲者》导演保罗·维尔奇将再次与制片公司Bac Films合作,打造一部黑色喜剧《魔力之夜》(Magical Nights)。混合了黑色电影和讽刺喜剧的风格,探索意大利电影黄金时代的幕后故事。设定在90年代的罗马,讲述三位前途无限的编剧被判定为一名著名制片人谋杀案的主要嫌疑人,后者在世界杯决赛之夜被发现死于台伯河。在被警察问话的途中,他们开始追忆意大利电影的光辉与没落时期。  新人Mauro Lamantia, Giovanni Toscano和Irene Vetere分饰三位编剧,Francesca Archibugi(《疯爱》《求闲者》《运气》)和Francesco Piccolo(《教皇诞生》《日子与云彩》《人力资本》)操刀剧本。该片正在罗马拍摄,预计明年第二季度上映。

  • 不及格之换爱行不行



      Sabina and Esther's relationship is pushed to breaking point when international exchange student Annie comes to stay. The Exchange is a new feature film from the creators of Flunk.

  • 陷落天堂岛




  • 科学救援组



      城市里突然出现一种传染性极高的疾病。由科学家,生物学家,物理学家组成的科学救援组立即采取行动。他们要与时间赛跑,必须阻止这些病菌继续感染其他市民,危害市民的安全。  病情越发严重,患者的症状也各不相同,西尼罗河热,寄生虫,以及肺结核的症状均有发生。萨拉·伯格曼博士深入疾病爆发地。救援组又遇到一个新的问题,全城范围的脑膜炎似乎要爆发了,而在此关键时刻,一名银行抢劫犯挟持了六名人质包括伯格曼博士及她的得力助手。事情到底会如何发展呢?

  • 异形复活



      自命不凡的大学教授乔纳森·马福特(David Bunce 饰)带领一群学生去考察,他们乘坐的小型飞机由于流星影响在一片林区迫降,就在学生们以为考察将被迫终止时,教授发现了一种奇怪的踪迹,命令学生们在丛林中搜索前进,最后发现了一个废弃的农庄,全体在这里扎营过夜。  了解了他们的来意之后,农庄的主人(Ben Kahn 饰)给他们看了一个蜘蛛形状的巨型生物的尸体,并告诉他们,从他小时候起,这个怪物就一直在他家的仓库里。教授听到这个消息认为是荒诞无稽之谈。但由于受流星撞击影响早已长眠的怪物爬出山洞,向人们发出死亡的威胁…… (by:水晶 原简介不对的地方很多)

  • 监狱风暴




  • 甜蜜谎言



      Maddie Brooks生活在纽约,刚刚经历未婚夫和闺蜜出轨的她备受打击。她思前想后想要摆脱这种窘境,于是她把目标放在了自己学生时代一直暗恋自己的Bob身上。Maddie发现Bob成为了一名摄影师,会在一周以后回到故乡展映作品。Maddie马不停蹄地赶往家乡,却发现Bob早已有了意中人,她郁闷至极,但又不想让大家知道她的生活已经乱成了一团麻,于是她宣布自己马上也要结婚了。大家听到这个消息非常高兴,纷纷表示要为她准备婚礼。Maddie不知道这个谎言如何持续下去……

  • 独闯东柏林



      UCLA college student Jonathan Moore (Anthony Edwards) is playing a game called "Gotcha" (popular on mid-1980s college campuses as "Assassin" or "Tag"), wherein the players are all assigned a mock "hit" on another player by use of a harmless paintball gun. Moore and his apartment roommate Manolo go on a vacation to Paris, France. After touring some of Paris, in a cafe Moore meets Sasha Banicek (Linda Fiorentino), a Czechoslovakian girl. Eventually, Jonathan has intercourse with Sasha, losing his virginity.  Jonathan decides to leave Manolo (who is heading to Spain) and go with Sasha to West Berlin to spend more time with her. Jonathan believes that he is in love with Sasha. There, Jonathan and Sasha continue to have sex and even go to an Oktoberfest beer gathering. One night, Sasha tells Jonathan that she has to go to East Berlin to pick up a package. One night after arriving in East Berlin, Sasha leaves their hotel room and walks to dark street corner. There, Sasha meets a German man who tells her the location of the pickup of her package. Meanwhile, Sasha was being monitored by a Soviet agent, who was sitting in a car at a distance. During the day, Sasha tells Jonathan that if she gives him a certain message, it means that he has to leave East Berlin immediately. At a cafe, Sasha gives Jonathan a package and says that a strudel is inside. A little later, Sasha tells Jonathan to meet her at the butcher shop near their hotel. All of a sudden, a Soviet agent begins to chase after Sasha. Sasha decides to use Jonathan (who is holding her package) to unknowingly get the package over to West Berlin. Meanwhile, Sasha is taken by the Soviet agent and East German secret police.  Jonathan goes to Checkpoint Charlie to cross the heavily fortified border into West Berlin. At the East German customs search, Jonathan is stripped of his clothes and given a cavity search. Meanwhile, Sasha is stripped and searched for possible espionage evidence. Vlad arrives at the border crossing to search for Jonathan, however Jonathan passes the border safely before he can be captured. Once in West Berlin, Jonathan feels liberated by the Westernized society. In the hotel, Jonathan receives a message from Sasha to meet him at a specified location. Jonathan finds out that his hotel room was broken into and robbed of his traveler's checks. Soviet agents eventually find Jonathan in West Berlin and chase him throughout a public park. Jonathan jumps into a water canal and manages to escape from the Soviets and stumbles upon a German rock group headed for Hamburg, who offer him a ride to the airport.  The rock group successfully get Jonathan to the airport (using full-face makeup to sneak him past a checkpoint) and Jonathan finally arrives in Los Angeles Tom Bradley International Airport and to his apartment. Soon, Vlad and a band of Soviet agents arrive too in Los Angeles. Once home, Jonathan stumbles upon a film canister, which was planted by Sasha. Jonathan visits his parents and tells them what happened in Germany but they cannot believe a word of it and think Jonathan is on drugs. Jonathan decides to call the FBI then the Central Intelligence Agency for help. Jonathan returns to find his apartment broken into and looted.  The CIA officer tells Jonathan to give them the photo film canister. At the Los Angeles headquarters of the CIA, Jonathan spots Sasha who looks like she was working there. Jonathan eventually meets up with Sasha. Sasha admits that she is Cheryl Brewster, a CIA agent, originally from Pittsburgh. Out of nowhere, Vlad and his gang begin to chase Jonathan and Cheryl on the UCLA campus. Jonathan eliminates all the Soviets with a tranquilizer gun which he gets from the campus veterinary sciences building. The Soviets are arrested, the CIA agents thank Jonathan for his (indirect) help in obtaining the film, and Sasha tells him she wants to continue their relationship.  After they part, Jonathan talks to a pretty student who rebuffs him coldly. As she walks away, he aims the tranquilizer pistol and shoots her in the rear.

  • 冬日斜阳



      Frank Agnew是个警局侦探,他为了复仇而实施了一起自认为完美无缺的谋杀。

  • 狐狸的故事1937



      In the kingdom of animals, Master Fox is used to trick and fool everyone. So the King, the Lion, receives more and more complaints about him. He orders that Master Fox is arrested and brough to him... One of the first animation film with puppets. The story is taken from a from a French medieval fable.

  • 骗子




  • 摩斯探长 第四季



      Morse finds himself the subject of a murder investigation when his friend, Beryl Newsome, is murdered at a rehearsal of the Magic Flute and he foolishly touches the murder weapon. Morse is suspended and DCI Bottomley, with DS Lewis assisting him, is put in charge of the case. Morse feels that he was set-up and looks to his past to see who, among the many criminals he arrested, might now be setting about seeking revenge. When someone scratches masonic symbols all over his car and he is reported for erratic driving, Morse wonders if Masons may somehow be involved. When a large number of his personal items are found in Beryl's apartment, Morse is placed under arrest.

  • 社会学家和小熊







