• 不速之客2019



      A young couple Mira (Abbie Cobb) and Todd (Sean Faris) hire a live-in nurse (Lyndon Smith) to be the caregiver for their sick son, only to discover that she is an "angel of death" intent on replacing Mira through any means necessary.

  • 金发野兽



      The former star of a short-lived television sitcom, Fabien, drinks too much to remember everything he does and not much surprises him anymore. When his path crosses Yoni’s, he is not surprised to discover, in the wake of this young, tearful, military man, the head of yet another young man, beautiful like a dream, a memory, a reproach.

  • 好男孩2018



      For Kevin, a shy teenager, being bullied is part of everyday life. But one day an older guy, Benny, comes to his aid. Impressed by Benny's self-as-sured appearance, Kevin seeks his company from then on, and increasingly idolizes him. But Benny's intention is not to protect the younger boy, quite the contrary.

  • 圣雅各的天空




  • 磁路丰收



      从近处看,米克尔似乎在欲望的笼罩中四处走动:找到他失踪的猪,获得生物学证明,在菜子沙漠中打破孤独。 但是,更进一步,米克尔似乎反而吸引了保罗。

  • 狙击:恶人使命



      When a crooked federal agent is involved in a human sex trafficking ring, Sniper and CIA Rookie Sniper Brandon Beckett goes rogue, teaming up with his former allies Homeland Security Agent Zero and assassin Lady Death to uncover the corrupt agent and take down the criminal organization.

  • 动物保卫战2



      在Nice Side和Mice Side之间休战之后,Zooverse已经进入了一个和平的时代。邪恶的老鼠Boo Boo Squeal决心违反该和平条约,并不惜一切代价重启战争。 Nice Side英雄,Nuke和B-52被迫自生自灭,挫败了Boo Boo的复仇仆从并用他们所拥有的一切来捍卫Zooverse。

  • 毁灭状态



      In a gritty near future, an ex freedom fighter reluctantly jumps back into the fold after discovering a disturbing secret that could bring down the company that owns the world.

  • 客座艺术家



      The story of a young man coming face to face with his hero (Jeff Daniels) and exploring the tangled relationship between the dreams of youth and the wisdom of age.

  • 粗麦面疙瘩



      在经历了一场疯狂的婚礼派对之后,喝的神志不清的艾博(塞巴斯蒂安·贝策尔 Sebastian Bezzel 饰)意外的被警察从酣睡中叫醒,一夜之间,他竟然从一名小镇警察沦为了凶杀案的嫌疑人,他被指控谋杀了名为巴什尔(弗兰西斯·富顿-史密斯 Francis Fulton-Smith 饰),因为在凶案现场,警方发现了艾博随身携带的小刀。  就这样,艾博不得不再一次的为洗清自己身上的嫌疑而展开了对案件的调查,和他一起奋斗的还有他的好友卢迪(西蒙·舒瓦茨 Simon Schwarz 饰)。随着调查的深入,巴什尔的妻子(诺拉·冯·瓦尔茨特滕 Nora von Waldstätten 饰)渐渐浮出了水面,这个美丽又性感的女人隐藏着不为人知的过去。

  • 缠绵游戏




  • 野性黄石公园



      DESCRIPTION  This is the Yellowstone you never knew.  It is a story newly told.  With a fresh voice, tuned to the experience of extremes.  With fresh visuals, captured with revolutionary new cinematic tools and techniques.  With a sense of intimacy that immerses you, with an epic scale that will overwhelm you, with a passion that is the measure of the ultimate wilderness.  This is a land of fire and ice, a world as ancient as it is alive: a vision, an adventure, a crucible of unimaginable forces.  This is Wild Yellowstone.  EPISODE GUIDE  Wild Yellowstone: The Frozen Frontier  Beavers and grizzly bears retreat under cover from the endless blizzard, while wolves, red foxes and river otters face winter head on.  Wild Yellowstone: Grizzly Summer  In summer, Yellowstone transforms into a wildlife paradise with a cruel dark side as grizzly bears emerge from mountain dens to roam for food.  Wild Yellowstone: She Wolf  An epic biopic of one female wolf, following her against-the-odds rise to a position of extraordinary power for a female: leader of her pack.

  • 不公平的游戏:川普是如何赢的



      Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States by winning three key states, a victory engineered by an ultra-conservative faction that quietly mapped its way to power using fake news, lies and psychometrics. This explosive documentary follows the money to the reclusive multi-billionaire Robert Mercer who bought Breitbart News and funded the effort, while inserting Steve Bannon into the presidential campaign as its manager. Using data of millions of Americans acquired from Facebook, Google, banks, credit companies, social security and more, another Mercer company, Cambridge Analytica, used tactics honed during the UK's Brexit campaign to identify voters deemed "most neurotic or worried," whom they believed could swing for Trump. In the days before the election, using a little-known Facebook feature, "dark posts", they deployed highly manipulative and personalized messages, that could be seen only by the user before disappearing. In the darkness of the web, democracy was ...

  • 真谛存星空



      William Shatner sits down with scientists| innovators and celebrities to discuss how the optimism of "Star Trek" influenced multiple generations.

  • 宁多夫女王



      今年暑假,十岁的莉娅意识到她的朋友都变得有点怪异,他们突然对舞蹈和脸部绘画感兴趣了,他们彷佛正准备进入青春期,但自己却没跟上他们的步伐。她慢慢被同龄女生疏远,有一天,她发现了一个男孩帮派,她渴望加入其中,因为他们建造了一个很棒的木筏,还拥有一个树屋。但这个帮派的规则并不允许女生加入, 为了打破那个规则,莉娅必须通过两个非常艰难的测验。

  • 杰瑞玛雅·陶瓦:最后的辉煌



      Both a biopic of a complicated man and an exploration of the gathering forces that converged to shape a new American cuisine and create the cult of "celebrity chef"... A consummate hedonist, Jeremiah Tower's career spans the riotous sexual revolution of the 70's to the high rolling "greed-is-good" spirit of the '80s. Key interviews with celebrities & celebrity chefs cement Tower's influence on today's food culture and reveal how he transformed the restaurant industry and in the process changed the way we eat.

  • 律师本色第二季



      The Practice focused on the law firm of Robert Donnell and Associates (later becoming Donnell, Young, Dole, & Frutt, and ultimately Young, Frutt, & Berluti). Plots typically featured the firm's involvement in various high-profile criminal and civil cases that often mirrored current events at the time of the episodes' initial broadcast. Conflict between legal ethics and personal morality was a recurring theme.

  • 我的老婆失忆了




  • 印度河的瑰宝



      Treasures Of The Indus is 3 x 60’ episodes made by Tern TV, which tell the story of the Indian Sub-Continent through the treasures that have shaped the modern Indian world. From the plains of Pakistan to the foothills of the Himalayas, from Northern India and Rajasthan to the deep South and Tamil Nadu, Dr Sona Datta explores this vast melting pot of diverse civilisations, religions, cultures and glorious landscapes that has given us some of the greatest artistic golden ages on earth.  The series will chart the history of the Indus Valley, telling the relatively unknown story that stretches back 4,500 years to the Ancient Indus civilisation who gave us, amongst other things, the decimal system. Sona explores the art of the Mughals, who created the most famous and dazzling empire that India has ever seen, from the Taj Mahal to fabulously intricate miniatures of court life. She questions whether the Mughals were trying to impose their own religion of Islam or indeed whether they were open to the religion and art of the country they were trying to conquer; and she discovers some of the 33,000 sacred temples hewn from rock, sandstone and marble in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.

  • 邻家兄弟



      Coming of age film about Sven, a boy who feels trapped in his own family which only consists of duos. His brother Alex in return tries to keep Sven by his side through the same methods his parents use.

  • 不羁之旅



      Sixteen mustangs, four men, one dream: to ride border to border, Mexico to Canada, up the spine of the American West. The documentary tracks four fresh-out-of-college buddies as they take on wild mustangs to be their trusted mounts, and set out on the adventure of a lifetime. Their wildness of spirit, in both man and horse, is quickly dwarfed by the wilderness they must navigate: a 3000-mile gauntlet that is equally indescribable and unforgiving.

  • 意外杀手2



      麦克·福隆(斯科特·阿金斯饰),号称意外杀手的他,是位冷血杀手。就他从事的职业来讲,他是顶尖的,无论是条理多样的刺杀技巧,还是瞒天过海躲过警察视线,他的每次任务都使雇主满意高兴。但是有一天他挚爱的人却卷入了伦敦的地下杀手世界,并惨遭自己同组织的人 杀害。而福隆不得不打破自己长久以来井然有序,条理安排的生活,开始向实施这一切的人展开复仇。  剧本已以2020年完成并计划在年内开拍,但由于疫情缘故,延迟开拍。

  • 深海狂鲨国语



      生化制药厂的老板Franklin(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)提供大量资金供让Susan McAlester博士(萨弗蓉·布罗斯 Saffron Burrows 饰)研究抗老年痴呆症的药物。Susan和研究小组在设备精良的海底研究中心,提取鲨鱼脑中蛋白质,注入坏死的人类脑细胞。为了可以提取到萃取更多的鲨鱼脑蛋白,Susan也同时加大了鲨鱼们的脑容量。这一举动让本来作为试验品的鲨鱼们变得更为强壮和聪明。鲨鱼专家Carter(托马斯·简 Thomas Jane 饰)因和鲨鱼们朝夕相处时发现了鲨鱼们的异样,并向Susan提出了警告,却得到了Susan的无视。终于,在最后一次验中,那些曾经沦为人类试验品的凶残鲨鱼们向人类展开报复……

  • 深海狂鲨英语



      生化制药厂的老板Franklin(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)提供大量资金供让Susan McAlester博士(萨弗蓉·布罗斯 Saffron Burrows 饰)研究抗老年痴呆症的药物。Susan和研究小组在设备精良的海底研究中心,提取鲨鱼脑中蛋白质,注入坏死的人类脑细胞。为了可以提取到萃取更多的鲨鱼脑蛋白,Susan也同时加大了鲨鱼们的脑容量。这一举动让本来作为试验品的鲨鱼们变得更为强壮和聪明。鲨鱼专家Carter(托马斯·简 Thomas Jane 饰)因和鲨鱼们朝夕相处时发现了鲨鱼们的异样,并向Susan提出了警告,却得到了Susan的无视。终于,在最后一次验中,那些曾经沦为人类试验品的凶残鲨鱼们向人类展开报复……




