• 寻找1967的女神




  • 不羁夜1997



      故事发生在上世纪70年代,17岁的夜店服务生艾迪(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)天生拥有巨大的秘密武器,一次偶然机会,他被色情片导演杰克(伯特·雷诺兹 Burt Reynolds 饰)看中。于是,艾迪改艺名为德克,在杰克的栽培下在色情电影界大放异彩,成 了该行业的天皇巨星。因为所拍影片都很卖座,杰克和德克名利双收,过着豪华无度的生活。然而进入80年代以后,色情电影工业发生了重大变化,过去辉煌的历史一去不返,德克和杰克这对色情电影业的最佳拍档也分道扬镳……

  • 煤气灯下1944



      姑母意外死亡,给美丽、善良的少女宝拉(英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)留下大笔遗产,引来心术不正的青年安东(查尔斯·博耶 Charles Boyer 饰)觊觎。追求宝拉成功后,二人回到宝拉姑母曾经遇害的伦敦旧宅居住。本以为就此拥有完美丈夫和幸福生活的宝拉,逐渐受到古怪现象困扰,她总会听到奇怪的响声,东西经常莫名其妙消失又出现,新来的女仆也对她态度轻蔑,煤气灯也开始忽明忽暗,安东暗示一切都是宝拉自己的幻觉,是宝拉的精神出现了问题。就在宝拉慢慢心理崩溃,濒临发疯的边缘,一个年轻的侦探伯林(约瑟夫·科顿 Joseph Cotten 饰)出现了,他发现宝拉正在被孤立,背后的主谋正是她的完美丈夫……

  • 霍华德庄园1992



      一次偶然中,海伦(海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰)和玛格丽特(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰)两姐妹结识了威尔克斯一家人。在威尔克斯家所拥有的霍华德庄园中,玛格丽特和威尔克斯太太(瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 Vanessa Red grave 饰)的感情最为要好,海伦却在和保罗(Joseph Bennett 饰)的一段短暂恋情结束后离开了威尔克斯家。  威尔克斯太太死前将整个霍华德庄园留给了玛格丽特,亨利(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)隐瞒了这一事实,转而向玛格丽特求婚。离开了霍华德庄园的海伦遇见了名叫巴斯特(Samuel West 饰)的男子,两人相处融洽。玛格丽特再度见到海伦之时,她震惊的发现,尚未成家的海伦已有身孕,这样的海伦遭到了威尔克斯家大儿子查尔斯(詹姆斯·维尔拜 James Wilby 饰)的厌恶和驱逐。

  • 极度空间1988




  • 幽灵杀神




  • 成人派对




  • 下载南茜




  • 老虎的眼睛



      17岁的女孩Davey 正处于最痛苦时期,父亲因遭遇抢劫被枪杀,母亲带着她和弟弟前往新墨西哥的亲戚那里。女孩感觉非常孤独,没有人能真正了解她,直到她遇到了一个神秘的年轻人,他可以理解她,并帮助她走出困境……

  • 不信上帝的人



      Renowned scientists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss cross the globe as they speak publicly about the importance of science and reason in the modern world.

  • 无处安身1949




  • 宇宙毁灭记




  • 致命布局 A Deadly Deed



      Jackie, the heiress to her husband's fortune after his death, who finally finds love again with a plastic surgeon, Kevin. As tragedy continues around her, secrets about Kevin and her late husband's family nefariously come to light.

  • 激情年代



      故事发生在1692年的马萨诸塞州,在一个地处偏远的小镇之中,生活着一群虔诚又愚昧的人们。女孩阿比盖尔(薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰)是牧师的侄女,因此在镇上享有很高的声誉,凡是她说的话人们都信,凡是她做的事人们都赞成。凭借着自己的“特权”,阿比盖尔将数十名她看不惯的女子以“女巫”之名送上了绞刑架,这其中就有约翰(丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯 Daniel Day Lewis 饰)的妻子伊莉莎贝斯(琼·艾伦 Joan Allen 饰)。  约翰一直都将阿比盖尔的狼子野心看在眼里,但由于两人之间的情人关系,他只得保持缄默,直到阿比盖尔将魔爪伸向了伊莉莎贝斯,约翰才明白事态的严重性。约翰向法官告发了阿比盖尔的罪行,然而,却没有人相信他的“胡言乱语”。

  • 海绵宝宝全集



      海绵宝宝是一块穿着短裤衬衫打领带、暴牙大眼睛的黄色海绵,他生活在太平洋中央一片名为比基尼的海底之下。这里风和日丽,平静祥和,生活无忧无虑。海绵宝宝住在一个菠萝形状的房子里,与之为伴的是他的宠物小蜗(蜗牛)。开朗、纯真的海绵宝宝有许多好朋友,比如乐观单纯的派大星、性格古怪的章鱼哥、自私市侩的蟹老板还有力大无穷的松鼠珊蒂。平时他都在蟹老板的快餐店里打工,闲暇时就和好朋友们四处玩乐。这群性格各异的家伙们凑在一起,可真是闹出不少的笑话……  本片为美国最受欢迎的电视系列动画之一,在2003~2009年期间,曾经7年当选美国儿童选择奖最受欢迎的动画片。

  • 情迷画色



      故事发生在19世纪的伦敦,在那个工业化方兴未艾的钢铁时代,在街头巷尾、在画廊、在充满怀古风情的普通房屋里,拉斐尔前派兄弟会(Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood)的画家、诗人和评论家正热烈地针砭时弊,探讨艺术,展望人生。这些致力于打破旧习的人,用他们富有激情的「男性浪漫」在人生之路上不断奋斗。阴谋家,不知羞耻,叛逆者,你有时甚至可以这么称呼他们。但他们绝不会放弃自己的追求--为了名誉、金钱、地位、成功、爱情,还有性。制片人用很形象的语言描述本剧为:拿着画板的「明星伙伴」(Entourage)。  摘自emule

  • 费丽丝蒂 第一季



      Felicity Porter为了追寻高中时暗恋的男友Ben,放弃了去斯坦福医学院的机会,来到3000公里以外的纽约只为了和Ben在一起。可是Ben连Felicity的名字都不一定记得起。面对离开父母后独立的新生活,真实的展现了大学生活,及Felicity和她的新朋友们步入成年后面对人生的种种重大选择。

  • 费丽丝蒂 第二季



      Season 2, Episode 1: Sophomoric  Original Air Date—26 September 1999  Felicity starts her second year at college with a possible new relationship, and the aftermath of her decision to cope with. Elsewhere, housing shortages cause unusual living arrangements.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 2: The List  Original Air Date—3 October 1999  Ben worries about Felicity's expectations of him, Sean and Julie throw a party, and Felicity tries unsuccessfully to counsel one of her charges.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 3: Ancient History  Original Air Date—10 October 1999  Felicity's decision about her hair leads to even more life changes, Julie looks for an apartment, and Noel takes an art class.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 4: The Depths  Original Air Date—17 October 1999  A stalled subway train forces Felicity and Julie to confront each other, Noel and Ruby go to an art show, and Ben stands up to a client.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 5: Crash  Original Air Date—24 October 1999  Noel and Elena become obsessed with a video game, Felicity goes out on a blind date set up by her professor, and Ben is confused by Maggie's actions.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 6: The Love Bug  Original Air Date—7 November 1999  Felicity, Ben, and Noel each deal with uncertainties in their individual relationships, and Mono hits campus just in time for mid-terms.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 7: Getting Lucky  Original Air Date—14 November 1999  A stray dog Felicity picks up on the street impinges on everyone's lives, and provides her with plenty of excuses for not taking the next step with David.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 8: Family Affairs  Original Air Date—21 November 1999  Holiday gatherings are difficult for Felicity and Ben. Ben, because he has to work a party given by Maggie's husband, and Felicity feels pressure from an unexpected family visit and from David.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 9: Portraits  Original Air Date—19 December 1999  Felicity and Noel struggle against feelings for each other while worrying how their actions will affect their grade, Ruby makes a surprise visit, Julie meets a music producer, and Ben is on short-time to complete a final in American Lit.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 10: Great Expectations  Original Air Date—16 January 2000  Felicity's father accepts a position in town, and his never-ending presence begins to grate, Ben reconsiders his decision about Felicity, and Julie begins to doubt the intentions of Erik.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 11: Help for the Lovelorn  Original Air Date—23 January 2000  This episode, a tribute to The Twilight Zone, follows Felicity as she tries to heal her broken heart and strange doings at The Clinic.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 12: The Slump  Original Air Date—6 February 2000  Ben and Felicity are forced into counseling for their prank at the pool, Elena gets a new lab partner, and Noel's argument with Ruby is more serious than he thought.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 13: Truth or Consequences  Original Air Date—13 February 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 14: True Colors  Original Air Date—20 February 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 15: Things Change  Original Air Date—27 February 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 16: Revolutions  Original Air Date—5 April 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 17: Docuventary II  Original Air Date—12 April 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 18: Party Lines  Original Air Date—19 April 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 19: Running Mates  Original Air Date—26 April 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 20: Ben Was Here  Original Air Date—3 May 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 21: The Aretha Theory  Original Air Date—10 May 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 22: Final Answer  Original Air Date—17 May 2000  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 2, Episode 23: The Biggest Deal There Is  Original Air Date—24 May 2000

  • 费丽丝蒂 第四季



      Season 4, Episode 1: The Declaration  Original Air Date—10 October 2001  Javier goes crazy planning a wedding, Ben comes home with a plan, and Felicity and Noel struggle with their futures.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 2: My Best Friend's Wedding  Original Air Date—17 October 2001  Noel and Felicity deal with the consequences of their encounter, Elena and Tracy's wedding is threatened by various incidents, and Sean and Meghan make a decision.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 3: Your Money or Your Wife  Original Air Date—24 October 2001  Meghan's parents insist on meeting Sean and his family, Ben struggles in organic chemistry, and Felicity has tuition issues.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 4: Miss Conception  Original Air Date—31 October 2001  Felicity competes in a beauty pageant and against an under-handed competitor, Meghan has to make a decision regarding her family, Noel gets an unexpected job offer, and Ben finds a lab test voucher.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 5: Boooz  Original Air Date—7 November 2001  A dismal exam result and a disastrous encounter with the instructor send Ben and his lab partner on a binge, Noel and Javier go to Atlantic City, and Felicity's pageant comes back to haunt her.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 6: Oops... Noel Did It Again  Original Air Date—14 November 2001  Bens father is sick and disrupts birthday plans for Felicity, Noel chafes at the tedium of his guidance job, and new roommates tax Elena's patience.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 7: The Storm  Original Air Date—21 November 2001  Noel begins a new graphics job, Ben's mother comes to town, and Felicity tries to make it up to Ben.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 8: The Last Thanksgiving  Original Air Date—28 November 2001  Felicity and company spend what may be their last Thanksgiving together. Meanwhile, Noel and his brother have a rather calamitous one.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 9: Moving On  Original Air Date—5 December 2001  Things unresolved between Ben and Felicity result in matchmaking attempts by their friends, Noel sees a doctor.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 10: Fire  Original Air Date—12 December 2001  Noel is advised to stop seeing Felicity for awhile, Ben has a major O-chem exam he's having trouble studying for, and Felicity makes another attempt to get into an Art Honors program.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 11: A Perfect Match  Original Air Date—19 December 2001  A snowstorm proves fortuitous for Felicity, Ben's father has a crisis, and Noel starts his business with an unexpected partner.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 12: Future Shock  Original Air Date—20 March 2002  Lauren makes an announcement to Ben. Noel and Sean bid for an account against the company who fired him, and Felicity is conflicted when pressured by her mother to consider another career.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 13: Kiss and Tell  Original Air Date—27 March 2002  Tensions between Noel and Zoe rise. Sean and Meghan need different things from their relationship, and Ben confronts his dad and Felicity.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 14: Raising Arizona  Original Air Date—3 April 2002  Ben's struggles with Lauren to maintain contact put him and Felicity at risk, especially when she seeks solace from Noel. Noel, meanwhile, has relationship issues of his own, and Meghan and Javier compete for the same part.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 15: The Paper Chase  Original Air Date—10 April 2002  Under stress, Felicity does the unthinkable, Noel and Sean have business conflicts, and Javier must make a decision about what to tell a friend.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 16: Ben Don't Leave  Original Air Date—17 April 2002  Felicity faces the hearing for her paper against a backdrop of stress as Lauren decides to leave early, and a car accident occurs. Meanwhile, Noel - spurred on by Sean - begins to doubt Zoe's interest in him.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 17: The Graduate  Original Air Date—24 April 2002  Felicity finds out whether she will graduate, and Ben makes a decision about his future. Noel and Sean have a career crisis, and Felicity's parents descend.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 18: Time Will Tell  Original Air Date—1 May 2002  The death of a friend sinks Felicity into a depression, and when she finds out Ben has been cheating on her she reevaluates the choices she has made.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 19: The Power of the Ex  Original Air Date—8 May 2002  Felicity's choices affect everyone, and someone unexpected re-enters Noel's life.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 20: Spin the Bottle  Original Air Date—15 May 2002  Ben challenges Felicity on her decision to leave him, Noel and Felicity decide to move in together, and Julie visits, creating havoc.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 21: Felicity Interrupted  Original Air Date—22 May 2002  Concerned for Felicity's sanity, Noel and Ben take action. Meghan plays with Sean for revenge, and Ben and Julie plan a road trip.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 4, Episode 22: Back to the Future  Original Air Date—22 May 2002  Devastated by a tragedy she believes is her fault, Felicty tries to put things right.

  • 寂靜風暴



      9th Ward是美國紐奧良市極具傳奇色彩的街區,獨特的文化氛圍和親密的鄰里關係,孕育著一代代紐奧良文化的傳承者,有著音樂天賦的高中生Aurora便是其中一位。但她也和其他很多生活在以黑人為主的社區的孩子們一樣,承受著歷史和制度對黑人社區的不公所帶來的困擾甚至是威脅,而Katrina颶風更是讓9th Ward原本脆弱的社區生態雪上加霜。青梅竹馬的表哥曾和她一樣在學校名列前茅,但如今卻身負著惡性謀殺的重大嫌疑。面對媒體上滾動播放的與自己同齡的被害少女遺像、被害人父親含淚拋出的高額懸賞、為家用入不敷出爭吵的父母、對街頭氾濫槍支的憎惡、步入歧途卻珍視親情的表哥……即將高中畢業的Aurora將如何抉擇?

  • 太空人2019



      A lonely widower battles his family, ill health and time to win a competition for a golden ticket to space.

  • 衰鬼上身3




  • 钢铁骑士国语



      “钢铁骑士”曾是美泰一款风行全球的男孩人偶玩具,也曾被拍成电视系列动画片,此次真人电影版的故事是《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World)编剧克里斯托弗·约斯特(Christopher Yost)原创的。故事讲述16岁男孩麦克斯(Max McGrath)和母亲居住在一个小镇上,他的科学家父亲当年在他出生后不久就神秘死亡,麦克斯拥有一种他自己都无法控制的超强能量,直到遇到有着先进技术的外星人Steel后,才学会运用它,“钢铁骑士”就此诞生!

  • 钢铁骑士英语



      “钢铁骑士”曾是美泰一款风行全球的男孩人偶玩具,也曾被拍成电视系列动画片,此次真人电影版的故事是《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World)编剧克里斯托弗·约斯特(Christopher Yost)原创的。故事讲述16岁男孩麦克斯(Max McGrath)和母亲居住在一个小镇上,他的科学家父亲当年在他出生后不久就神秘死亡,麦克斯拥有一种他自己都无法控制的超强能量,直到遇到有着先进技术的外星人Steel后,才学会运用它,“钢铁骑士”就此诞生!

  • 丛林大反攻4:吓傻了国语



      Elliot, Boog and all of the beloved woodland creatures are back in a brand new comedy adventure.

  • 丛林大反攻4:吓傻了英语



      Elliot, Boog and all of the beloved woodland creatures are back in a brand new comedy adventure.

  • 爱斯基摩闯纽约




  • 吃人大叔







