• 截路拦杀




  • 看管人



      Aston (Robert Shaw), a quiet, reserved man, lives alone in a top-floor cluttered room of a small abandoned house in a poor London district. He befriends and takes in Mac Davies (Donald Pleasence), an old derelict who has been fired from a menial job in a café. In time Aston offers him a job as caretaker of the house. Aston's brother, Mick (Alan Bates) - a taunting, quasi-sadist - harasses the derelict when his brother is away, countermanding his orders. Eventually Aston, himself irritated by the cantankerous old man, puts him out.

  • 七鹰大厦宝藏



      美国人约翰-诺德利John Nordley是阿罗哈号The Aloha的船长,这是一艘停泊在英国贝茅斯港的帆船,他在这艘船上生活并进行私人包租。他经常违反英国法律,把船开到他的清单上没有列出的其他国家。有一天,客户安塞姆先生Mr. Anselm找上门,要求在不列颠群岛的东边航行一周,但他一上船就要求航行到荷兰的Maasvlakte,并向诺德利保证不会有任何非法行为。但这个请求直接把他自己和诺德利带入深渊,以至于引来几路人马要获得诺德利与安塞姆的秘密,大家都在刻意接近诺德利,他必须决定谁可以信任,谁不能信任。

  • 巴黎不存在



      This film marks the directorial debut of Robert Benayoun. An artist (Richard Leduc) attending a party smokes some dope and develops the ability to see into the future and the past. He returns to his apartment where he sees the vision of a woman who had lived there 30 years ago. A friend tries to convince him it is his heightened sensitively as an artist that allows for the newfound abilities, but he soon has psychedelic hallucinations and his abilities increase with time. Stop-motion photography is effectively used in his sequence of visual experiences where the people exist but not the city in this metaphysical story.

  • 大脑中的猫




  • 龙之心2




  • 枷锁




  • 尖叫圣诞



      圣诞晚会因穿着圣诞老人服的暴力精神病患者,具有死神力量的疯子,杀手啦啦队长和恶魔鬼魂而中断。 他们没有希望,看着他们死去。

  • 攻陷葛兰高地




  • 西部红石镇



      When a promised job for Texan Michael fails to materialise in Wyoming, Mike is mistaken by Wayne to be the hitman he hired to kill his unfaithful wife, Suzanne. Mike takes full advantage of the situation, collects the money and runs. During his getaway, things go wrong, and soon get worse when he runs into the real hitman, Lyle.

  • 无敌男儿




  • X星来客



      One of the five sci-fi's I remember every single detail of from my earliest days as a fan. For the genre, I think it's considerably above average. The moor is nicely atmospheric. There's one of every character in the book: the good guy, the bad guy, the local sheriff, the lovely damsel, her father the old professor, etc. The scene where we're looking for the first time through the window of the ship and the visitor peeks out from the other side is easily as good as the three-fingered-hand-on-the-shoulder in War of the Worlds. Nice "character" to the visitor, for whom, like Karloff's Frankenstein, we end up feeling some empathy .

  • 史前的女人们




  • 回头是岸1956



      洛奇(保罗·纽曼 Paul Newman 饰)出生在位于纽约的一个非常贫困的家庭之中,他的父亲曾经梦想成为一名拳击手,但可惜窘迫的生活条件让这个梦想最终化为了泡影,于是,这个失落的男人只能整日生活在郁郁寡欢之中,靠着酒精排遣内心的不满。  荷尔蒙爆棚的洛奇整天在大街上打架惹是生非,这让他和父亲之间的关系变得非常的糟糕。某日,洛奇得到了军中长官的赏识,在长官的鼓励之下,他决定去拳坛一试身手,因此意外发现了隐藏在基因里的天赋,从此走上了拳击的道路。拳击不仅拯救了洛奇,以化解了他和父亲之间长久的仇恨。

  • 喜剧中心唐纳德·特朗普吐槽大会




  • 大宪章国王的最后旅程



      Ben Robinson retraces the dramatic last days of King John, England's most disastrous monarch, and uncovers the legend of his lost treasure.  Ten days took King John from ruler of an empire to sudden death, and left the kingdom in ruins. John is famous for the creation of Magna Carta, which inspired our modern democracy.  Ben follows in the footsteps of the King's epic last journey, from the treacherous marshes of East Anglia, through Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, to his final resting place in Worcester. He is joined by medieval historian professor Stephen Church.  Together they examine the truth behind the legend that has lived on for 800 years. Did the crown jewels really end up in the mud of the Wash? Was the King poisoned? Does he deserve his reputation as our most disastrous monarch?  Thanks to unique documents, we can tell this epic tale in the King's own words. Not only can we get into the mind of the Magna Carta King, we can reveal in fantastic detail how and where he travelled.  Ben reveals what happened when treasure seekers attempted to find the King's lost jewels with the help of a diviner. And using the latest technology reveals how we can actually see back in time to reveal the landscape as it would have looked when King John made his last journey 800 years ago.

  • 阶级与文化



      Melvyn Bragg explores the relationship, from 1911 to 2011, between class and culture.

  • BBC 安妮·博林的最后岁月



      Anne Boleyn is one of the most famous and controversial women in British history. In 1536, she became the first queen in Britain's history to be executed. The brutal speed of her downfall, and the astonishing nature of the charges against her - treason, adultery, even incest - makes her story shocking even to this day.  Yet whilst we know how Anne died, the story of why she had to go and who authored her violent end has been the subject of fiery debate across six centuries. In a radical new approach to televised history, a stellar cast of writers and historians, including Hilary Mantel, David Starkey, Philippa Gregory and others, battle out the story of her last days and give their own unique interpretations of her destruction.

  • 诺曼人



      In this major series, Professor Robert Bartlett examines the extraordinary expansion and unchecked ambition of the Normans, and shows how they transformed the history of Europe.  该系列中,罗伯特·巴特利特教授带你领略诺曼人大规模扩张活动和无可限量的雄心壮志,展现他们是如何改写欧洲历史的。

  • 亲爱的白种人 第一季



      《亲爱的白种人》是一部反映美国“后种族歧视”时代的讽刺喜剧,故事发生在一所知名的常春藤大学,平静的表面下藏着激烈的种族矛盾,学生们既要寻找身份认同,又要培养独特个性,而这也是一个普世议题。这部讽刺剧集延续了 2014 年备受赞誉的同名电影的故事,跟随温彻斯特大学的一群黑人学生展开一幅幅关于社会不公、文化偏见、政治正确(或缺少政治正确)和被误导的激进主义的千禧年画卷。《亲爱的白种人》通过荒诞的视角,用尖锐的讽刺、幽默自嘲和略显残酷的坦诚态度反映困扰当今社会的问题,欢笑始终贯穿其中。

  • 网络犯罪调查 第二季




  • 老爸老妈的浪漫史 第一季



      泰德(乔什·拉德诺 Josh Radnor 饰)、马修(杰森·席格尔 Jason Segel 饰)和巴尼(尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯 Neil Patrick Harris 饰)是三个好友,其中只有马修拥有一份稳定爱情——他很快要和幼儿园老师莉莉(艾丽森·汉妮根 Alyson Hannigan 饰)结婚了。而巴尼是个典型花花公子,对他来说,安定下来是不可能的。泰德倒是很想找到所爱,进入正常婚姻生活,也终于在酒吧遇到了心中的女神——美丽女主播罗宾(寇碧·史莫德斯 Cobie Smulders),岂料第一次约会,泰德就心急表白,将女神吓到了。为了解决泰德的爱情困扰,几位损友争相为他出主意,罗宾也慢慢进入他们的好友圈……  本剧最特别之处在于以泰德未来小孩的口吻倒叙,但老爸可以确定的情况下,到底谁是老妈?始终是全剧最大悬念。

  • 犯罪现场调查:纽约 第六季



      繁华奢靡的大都市,纸醉金迷之夜,纽约的一切都迥异于赌城和迈阿密。这座繁华的超大城市究竟是文明进步的典范还是犯罪滋生的根源?是每日里快节奏的生活疏远了人与人的距离,还是害怕袒露内心的深情却引发出重重伤害?是冷漠计较占据上风,还是友善宽容更高一筹?前者是无数犯罪的根源,后者却是人类进步的希望。本季CSINY篇将继续前四季的故事,NYPD的CSI们在精明能干,铁面无私的主管MacTaylor的率领下,继续抽丝剥茧,运用各种最新科技手段,从蛛丝马迹中找出狡猾的罪犯。  除却令人眼花缭乱,叹为观止的高科技,本季NY篇也将继续揭示CSI们的感情世界。  看Mac在英伦美女Peyton之后,是否又能赢来人生的另一个春天;  看历经感情挫折的坚强女性Stella能否在新一季展开新的恋情;  看Danny 和Lindsay这对欢喜冤家能否在邻居妈妈的插曲之后感情更进一步;  看帅哥Flack能否和天使警官擦出更热烈的火花;  看冷面笑匠Sid和网游专家Adam能否再给我们带来意外之喜;  看摆脱冤狱的Hawkes是否仍行单影孤,孑然一身。。。  敬请期待CSI NY篇 金秋第六季隆重登场。  ---YDY

  • 实习医生格蕾 第五季



      Recipient of the 2007 Golden Globe Award for Best Drama Television Series and multiple Emmy nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series for the past two years, "Grey's Anatomy" returns to the ABC Television Network for its fifth season.  Is "happily ever after" possible for Meredith Grey and Derek "McDreamy" Shepherd? With Meredith experiencing a breakthrough in therapy - the realization that she and Derek can be extraordinary together, rather than ordinary apart -- she and Derek now face the highs and lows of being a committed couple.  Continuing their first year as residents at Seattle Grace Hospital, Meredith, Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens and Alex Karev have interns of their own to mentor, including Meredith's half-sister, Lexie Grey. Lexie has become a roommate and confidante to George O'Malley, who, after divorce with Callie, a breakup with Izzie, and learning that he failed his residency test by only one point, is striving to get both his professional and personal life back on track.  After attending to his girlfriend Rebecca's mental illness on his own, and revealing that he had gone through this with his own mother, Alex finds solace in Izzie's arms. Alex must continue through this difficult time, whether or not Izzie remains by his side.  Cristina, having finally won out over her tough-as-nails mentor, Erica, is back on track as a surgeon - but is there a chance for new love in her life as well?  With the encouragement of Mark "McSteamy" Sloan, Dr. Callie Torres has taken a chance on love with cardiothoracic surgeon, Erica Hahn; now, she and Erica must figure out what happens after the first kiss.  Overseeing the residents is the no-nonsense Chief Resident, Miranda Bailey. Facing marital troubles and the difficulty of balancing her work and personal life, Bailey has handed her responsibilities as head of the free clinic over to Izzie. Also striving for balance is Chief of Surgery, Richard Webber, who has reunited with his estranged wife, Adele.  The doctors of Seattle Grace Hospital deal with life-or-death consequences on a daily basis - it's in one another that they find comfort, friendship and love. Together they're discovering that neither medicine nor relationships can be defined in black and white. Real life only comes in shades of grey.  "Grey's Anatomy" stars Ellen Pompeo as Meredith Grey, Patrick Dempsey as Derek Shepherd, Sandra Oh as Cristina Yang, Katherine Heigl as Isobel "Izzie" Stevens, Justin Chambers as Alex Karev, T.R. Knight as George O'Malley, Chandra Wilson as Miranda Bailey, James Pickens, Jr. as Richard Webber, Sara Ramirez as Callie Torres, Eric Dane as Mark Sloan, Chyler Leigh as Lexie Grey, and Brooke Smith as Erica Hahn.

  • 实习医生格蕾 第六季



      北京时间9月25日,ABC电视台重磅医务剧将以两小时特别篇回到我们的视线,上一季结尾留下的Izzie和George的去留问题将在回归篇中一一解答。感谢KatherineHeigl的直言,我们已经大概得知剧中这两位主要人物的命运。Izzie将会幸存下来,而George将告别观众。而且因为TRKnight的合同问题,George可能将不会再以新镜头出现在第六季中,开篇也仅仅将以一具棺材代替他的存在。ABC电视台也确认George的扮演者TR Knight将不会成为第六季的常规演员,与之相反的是扮演儿科医生的Arizona Robbins的JessicaCapshaw将有幸成为第六季的常规演员。可以预见,其与剧中另一主要角色Callie的同性恋情的戏份也将加长。

  • 飞黄腾达 第十季



      Sixteen candidates, all affected by the economic crisis, arrive in New York City for a 13-week job interview with Donald Trump. Trump divides them into teams and tasks them with creating a modern workspace. A fight breaks out on one team, and on the other side, the leadership abilities of the Project Manager are called into question. During the presentation, an office hazard leads to an accident, putting one team's fate in jeopardy. In the end, one team pulls out a win, and a candidate on the losing side becomes the first to hear Trump's fateful words: "You're Fired!" Written by NBC Publicity

  • 律政狂鲨 第一季



      史塞巴是一个行内赫赫有名的资深辩护律师。一次事业上的打击使他顿悟,并断然辞去旧工作。机缘巧合下,他接到了罗省市长办公室的邀请,希望他接受一份工作,领导并组建罗省地检署重大案件专案组。他的团队,是一帮全无实战经验的新人。史塞巴唯有将自己的家作为培训基地,模拟最苛刻而难以预料的庭审现场,将多年庭上战术经验倾囊相授。这个专案组的目的只有一个,势要将只手遮天,人脉深广的罪犯绳之于法!  Sebastian Stark just quit his old job of defense attorney after a shocking outcome in one of his cases and a personal epiphany, now looking for a job he receive a call from the LA city mayor office. When meeting the city mayor, he has an offer for a new job, director of the Los Angeles DA's high-profile crime unit, but with a twist, he would have to train a new team of inexperienced lawyers by using years of experiences, tactics and by practicing in Stark tribunal in his home. The only goal of this team is to put the bad guys in jail but during all this Stark past will be a problem we will learn why.

  • 天赐 第二季



      Kyle(马特·达拉斯 Matt Dallas 饰)一直在探寻自己身世之谜,终于他遇到了Adam,知道了自己的来历和潜力。他回到Trager家,并在Tom严格的训练下学会能力范围内的所有本领。每个人的情况都不太好,Nicole(玛格丽特·马科林苔 Marguerite MacIntyre 饰)变得很沮丧并辞掉了工作;Stephen(布鲁斯·托马斯 Bruce Thomas 饰)不得不接替她;Lori(艾普萝·美森 April Matson 饰)和Declan(克里斯·奥利维罗 Chris Olivero 饰)关系紧张;Josh(让-卢克·比洛多 Jean-Luc Bilodeau 饰)则是一如既往。神秘公司Madacorp找到了一个陌生女孩寻找Kyle。这个女孩不仅成为了Kyle生活的一部分,也走进了Trager一家的生活,所有的人都处在危险之中......

  • 震惊罪案 第一季




  • 豪斯医生 第二季







