• 生人回避3



      一个实验基地的工作人员突然遭受一伙匪徒的袭击而被抢去了病毒疫苗,虽然军队一路追杀,但无奈病毒却发生了泄露,方圆数百里都遭到污染,只要碰到这种病毒的任何生物都将必死无疑,然后化身为腐烂的丧尸。不幸的是,受感染面积非常大,不仅是附近的村庄,就连大都市也无一幸免。三个大兵和一群游客非常倒霉地赶上了这次事故,无处不在的丧尸群时刻时刻威胁着他们的安全,城市已经沦陷,森林里也充满了死亡的味道,他们似乎已经无处可去。就在他们心灰意冷的情况下,突然出现的军队给他们带来了生的希望。可他们很快发现,那些军人并没有要拯救他们的意思,反而要将他们灭口……   原来军方不惜一切手段想要把这次事件掩盖,包括知情者,但他们没想到波及的范围却是如此广阔……

  • 红色木鸽



      《红色木鸽》是莫瑞提首部在国际间获得票房斩获的影片。《红》片是描述一名共产党政要兼水球运动员米基磊,在车祸丧失记忆之后还硬被拖去参加水球比赛,而主角在比赛过程中所作的抉择,以及主角与他人甚或与自己的对话,则让影片在试图为意大利共产党重新定位的表象下(反映八十年代后期前苏联与东欧共党纷纷垮台所引发的政治认同危机),解构了共产主义、法西斯主义、资本主义以至天主教神权的诸多神话,成为当代意大利政局纷乱的“寓言"。同时,比赛进行间在游泳池畔还有影片《齐瓦哥医生》的电视播映,《齐》片的高潮甚至令众人围观而中断了比赛的进行。但当齐瓦哥猝死在广场上,那毫不知情、疾行离去的女主角既呼应着《甜蜜的梦》里非真实存在的女孩,更象征了政治理想的逝去与无回。        莫瑞提的头两部剧情长片《自给自足》与《Ecce Bombo》也成功为他塑造出了“分身"——米基磊·亚皮赛拉(Michele Apicella)。在1989年的《红色木鸽》(Palombella Rossa)之前,此角即持续出现在莫瑞提的片中,是个由莫瑞提亲自担纲、与周遭人常有隔阂、总陷入恋爱又带点自恋、同时不断寻求解答的行动派角色。

  • 牺牲1991



      aan Singh and Prithvi Singh's families have been locked in a property dispute in a Court in India. When the Court gives a verdict in favor of Prithvi, Maan hires a bandit, Panna Singh, to kill Prithvi and all of his family. Panna only partially succeeds, and retreats badly wounded to a dense forest to escape Prithvi's wrath. But the harm has been done, Prithvi has lost his sister and other family to this vicious assault, and has vowed to avenge this by killing Maan's family, and he does so with partial success, thus incurring the wrath of Maan's Police Inspector brother, Suraj Singh. Prithvi then goes into hiding and is now called Daku Prithvi Singh. The only survivors from his family are his daughter, Chandra, his aunt, and her son, Himmat, while Suraj Singh lives with his son, Akash. Years later, an educated Akash meets with an uneducated Chandra and both fall in love with each. When their respective fathers' find out, they are told not to see each other again and their marriages' ...

  • 月吟1990



      幻想喜剧《月亮之声》是费里尼的遗作,影片根据卡瓦左尼的小说《怪人们的月亮》改编。  人到中年却仍保有一颗赤子之心的萨维尼拼命地想要倾听月亮的声音,但是他听到的是一群偷窥男子的欢呼声、蓦地里配音的呻吟声以及沙沙的台风声。当他爬上屋顶想要抓住月亮时,地面上一阵骚动。最后月亮仍然平安无事地高挂天上,萨维尼对着月亮侃侃而谈……  乍看之下这部影片荒唐无稽、纯粹以意念与影像取胜,是一部浪漫而又带有世纪末颓废味道的作品。  费里尼以他惯用的手法,尤其是借助象征、隐喻和怪诞,表现了众多人物在生活中的种种遭遇和他们的古怪行为,深刻揭示了当代意大利社会生活的荒谬,以及它走向衰落和解体的征兆,喜剧天才罗伯特·贝尼尼表现出惊人的演技。

  • 情事1991



      “ Francesca è sola con una figlia e senza un soldo. Ma è bellissima. ”——From IMDB  女人的丈夫死于车祸,给她留下了一个小女孩和一大笔债务。为了挣钱,女人开始不择手段。影片描述了在金钱与尊严中周旋的人们。

  • 梵高1991



      《梵高》(Van Gogh,莫里斯-皮亚拉,1991年/158分钟/彩色。一部关于绘画创作的激动人心的影片,表现了著名画家梵高生命中最后67天的非常经历,也剖析了画面自伤自杀的异常行为,正是在精神疾病的严重困扰中他完成了《向日葵》等惊世之作)

  • 惊魂夺宝



      乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯、埃米尔·赫斯基、帕斯·贝加([对她说])、杰里米·皮文([明日边缘])将携手出演黑色惊悚片[美国之夜](American Night,暂译)。影片将是Alessio Jim Della Valle的导演处女作,Valle亲自撰写剧本。影片讲述迈克尔·鲁比诺(赫斯基饰)刚刚成为纽约黑手党的头目,但他最大的梦想是将自己的一生奉献给绘画,并成为伟大的艺术家。艺术品经销商约翰·卡普兰(梅耶斯饰)的生活似乎一片混乱,但他仍拥有最能发现世界各地假货的双眼。当安迪·沃霍尔的《粉红玛丽莲》被偷走时,陌生的两人有了交集,而这一切也将颠覆他们的生活。

  • 美国斗士



    女主JoJo Raines在镇上过着毫无前途可言的生活,平时她和朋友一起游荡,以及找架打来发泄满腔的沮丧。直到某天她惹错了人并被判社会服务令,JoJo来到退伍军人康复医院时认识了位受伤的战士,对方向她传授了综合格斗;而经过训练后,曾经气盛的女主开始找到自己的目标,使得她不再走在自毁的路上。

  • 血量子



      The dead are coming back to life outside the isolated Mi'gMaq reserve of Red Crow, except for its Indigenous inhabitants who are strangely immune to the zombie plague.

  • 怪异伪装




  • 亡夫与租客



      20 years after her husband's death, a woman keeps more than just his memory alive. Needing help at home, she takes in a student, but soon detects a risk of losing her husband to the girl. Does the girl have even a ghost of a chance?

  • 莫德罗监狱1977



      The film tells the story of a young accountant (Herrán) on remand pending trial for embezzlement and possibly facing 10 to 20 years in prison, a disproportionate sentence for the nature of his crime. However, this is 1977 and inside the Modelo prison it is a case of survival of the fittest. Despite everything working against his acquittal, the young man refuses to dive up and joins a group of prisoners preparing to demand amnesty. If things are changing outside the prison, they must also change inside. This becomes COPEL, the Coordination of Fighting Prisoners.

  • 金币灰黄




  • 尼斯大冒险




  • 夏威夷冲浪女孩



      Surf Girls Hawaii follows the next generation of Native Hawaiian female surfers, as they compete at an elite level to earn a coveted spot on the World Tour of professional Surfing. This 4-part docuseries offers behind the scenes access to five of the sport’s most exciting young stars – Moana Jones Wong, Ewe Wong, Maluhia Kinimaka, Pua DeSoto, and Brianna Cope – as they train, navigate family responsibilities, and compete against the highest-ranking surfers in the world to get to the top of the podium.

  • 恶魔女追逐者



      Three women in a small village conceal dark secrets, including unholy alliances and a mysterious ingredient used in a popular curry restaurant.

  • 三个火枪手:达达尼昂



      From the Louvre to Buckingham Palace, to the gutters of Paris to the siege of La Rochelle… In a kingdom divided by religious wars and under threat of British invasion, a handful of men and women will cross swords and tie their fate to that of France.

  • 话事人



      A thriller set in Benares, Jaipur, Mumbai and Delhi, Setters is about a racket profiteering from academic scams. The film follows a cat-and-mouse game between two good friends: one a cop, and the other a "setter" who arranges brilliant students in place of weak students to appear in examinations.

  • 身在其中



      女性摄影师莎拉(Alysson Paradis 饰)和马西欧(Jean-Baptiste Tabourin 饰)这对幸福的夫妻组成的小家庭即将迎来新的成员,但一场严重的车祸摧毁了他们美好的憧憬。马西欧在车祸中丧生,莎拉以及未出世的宝宝侥幸存活。  圣诞之夜,孤独的莎拉待在家中,等待第二天早晨的生产。这时敲门声响起,一名黑衣女(Béatrice Dalle 饰)请求使用电话。莎拉本能地拒绝了她,谁知黑衣女竟千方百计想要闯进来。她的目的只有一个,抢夺莎拉那尚未出世的孩子。挡路者只有死路一条……

  • 英雄不死




  • 贫民窟之王




  • 探戈“沙洛姆”



      In this all-star ensemble featuring MJFF alum and Golden Globe nominee Lainie Kazan, Academy Award nominee Renée Taylor (The Nanny, The Producers, How to Be A Latin Lover), and produced by Joel Zwick (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), a Hasidic Rabbi (Jos Laniado) struggles with his beliefs in order to realize his dream of dancing the tango. Moshe Yehuda, a Hasidic Rabbi and amateur Hora dancer, enters a big, televised Tango competition to save his Hebrew school from bankruptcy. There is only one problem: due to his orthodox religious principles, he is not allowed to touch a woman! At odds with his wife and five kids, the Grand Rabbi of his orthodox sect, and Moshe’s entire Hasidic community in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Moshe is compelled to ask a Catholic priest, a Muslim imam, and a Sikh holy man for advice. Together, they hash out a plan to help Moshe dance in the Tango contest without sacrificing his sacred beliefs...setting in motion a fun, passionate dance movie. Heart-pumping and heartwarming, Tango Shalom tests the bonds of family and community, and the bounds of tolerance and faith. An interfaith milestone, this film is also notable for being the first movie in history to be a joint collaboration between The Vatican, a Hasidic Synagogue, a Sikh Temple, and a Mosque. Winner of Best Independent Film at the Toronto Film Channel Awards, and Best Comedy & Best Actor at Montreal Independent Film Festival, Jaipur Critics Best Film.

  • 郎朗演奏迪士尼



      An unrivalled musical and visual treat that showcases unique arrangements of Disney's most popular songs and gives insight into the life of world-renowned pianist Lang Lang. Through performance and documentary segments, the film opens an intimate window into his extraordinary musical journey as he speaks to his love for Disney dating back to his childhood in China. Joined by London's Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Lang Lang invites audiences to savor Disney classics such as "Let It Go", "We Don't Talk About Bruno", "You'll Be in My Heart" feat. English recording artist Alfie Boe, "When You Wish Upon a Star" feat. performer Gina Alice Redlinger and more.

  • 战至巅峰第二季




  • 面包与郁金香



      罗莎(莉西亚·玛格丽塔 Licia Maglietta 饰)是一个平凡的家庭主妇,每天照顾着丈夫和孩子的生活起居,没有任何的个人空间和爱好。罗莎实在是太平凡了,平凡的丈夫和孩子都丝毫没有将她放在眼里,在一场全家旅行中,罗莎竟然被家人们遗忘在了高速公路上。然而,乐观开朗的罗莎并没有自暴自弃,而是决定展开一场一个人的旅行。  身无分文的罗莎靠着搭便车来到了威尼斯,在那里的一间花店里,罗莎找到了一份工作。实际上,没有尽头的繁杂家务和家人的漠视早已经让罗莎感到疲惫不堪,此次的“节外生枝”让罗莎再一次感受到了自由与喜悦。就在罗莎如鱼得水之际,丈夫和孩子再度出现在了她的身边。

  • 人类之巅



      In Buenos Aires, Exe (25) loses his
job and doesn’t want to look yet for another. His neighbourhood and friends are looking so strange as common to him. On the Internet he discovers Alf, a boy from Africa, who also has a sad job. Later, Alf also follows another guy, Archie, who escapes to the jungle. In the exotic context of the jungle’s vegetation, Archie follows the path of some ants to their nest. One of them goes out and on her path she founds Canh, a Philipinne guy who’s sitting over a big dirt mountain, he then goes down to his strange and beautiful city, and he also has a sad job.

  • 工作的她




  • 罪城苏布拉:风云再起



      It’s 2011 and we’re in Rome. The government is on the verge of collapse, the Vatican is at crisis point and the city’s squares are quite literally on fire. In the middle world, Cinaglia (Filippo Nigro) has tried to pick up where Samurai left off and, together with Badali (Emmanuele Aita), he is still managing the city’s criminal affairs, with the help of Adelaide (Paola Sotgiu) and Angelica (Carlotta Antonelli), who still head up the Anacletis, and Nadia (Federica Sabatini), who helps them to manage Ostia’s town squares.

  • 阿莫雷的最终一夜



      Milan. On the night before his retirement after 35 years without having fired a shot, Lieutenant Amore sees his world turned upside down. But maybe it is the world around him that has changed. A thriller poised perilously between law and criminality.

  • 肥佬警官



      I can see people will either love or hate this movie, depending on your own experiences and loves. Its basically about a incredibly obese police officer coming to terms with his own mortality (he is given a year to live at the start of the movie). It has other bits and pieces in the plot (love, mystery etc), but these are not the central ideal of the movie.  I found myself crying in many parts of this movie, for myself being fat (and have been my entire life... of course not to the degree of the main actor, but to a degree which has caused bullying my entire life) this story hits very close to home. And some of the subtle emotional behind the scene's stuff here definitely adds to the mood.  Anyone who has had any sort of eating disorder (over or under eating whatever) will recognise things in this movie, and will more then likely be in tears by the first 30 minutes of the movie.




